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First-Class Pool Cleaning for Luxury Properties

With meticulous white-glove care, Churchills Pools transforms your pool into a dazzling centerpiece for those who demand first-class luxury.

Give Your Guests a Pool Experience They Can Trust

As a property manager, you know one bad guest review can linger far longer than a hundred good ones. And when it comes to your pool—one of the largest bacteria traps on your property—relying on low-grade chemicals simply won’t cut it. That’s where Churchills Pools comes in, offering a single treatment designed to ensure the water is perfectly balanced and as free from harmful bacteria as possible.

Our Services

Pool Cleaning
Pool Remodeling
Residential Pools
residential pool and palm trees

The Difference Guests Notice Immediately

  • Cleaner, Clearer Water: Our premium-grade ingredients help eliminate stubborn contaminants, so your water looks inviting and feels safer for all guests.
  • Reduced Complaints: By tackling bacterial growth directly, you minimize unpleasant odors, itchy skin, and other issues that lead to negative reviews.
  • Better Protection for Susceptible Guests: Some visitors—like children, seniors, or those with weakened immune systems—may be especially vulnerable to infections. Our robust cleaning ensures you can confidently welcome everyone.

Our One-Time, Straightforward Process

Initial Assessment

We begin by testing your pool’s water chemistry and checking for grimy buildup—common signals that low-grade chemicals have failed to do their job.

Applying Our Proprietary Blend

Unlike generic solutions, we use a high-grade formulation—an advanced mix of chlorine compounds, acids, phosphate removers, and antimicrobial agents—engineered to target and neutralize bacteria more effectively.

Scrubbing & Deep Cleaning

Our team scrubs the pool surfaces to remove residue, films, and other places where bacteria can thrive, resulting in a thorough disinfection.

Final Inspection & Balancing

After treatment, we double-check pH and disinfectant levels. This ensures the water is properly balanced so it’s gentler on skin and more resistant to bacterial regrowth.

pool tech cleaning a pool

Why Quality Chemicals Matter

  • Enhanced Guest Satisfaction: A pool that’s truly free from irritants and odors offers a noticeably better swim experience.
  • Peace of Mind: Using superior disinfectants reduces the risk of bacterial spread—particularly important for guests more susceptible to infection.
  • Protect Your Reputation: By avoiding the pitfalls of cheap chemicals, you minimize negative reviews and reinforce your commitment to guest safety.

Invest in a Healthier, More Secure Pool Environment

Churchills Pools delivers a single, high-quality treatment that addresses one of the most pressing concerns in pool management: bacterial contamination. Don’t settle for half-measures—trust our premium approach to create a safer, more inviting environment for every guest, every time.
Our one-time specialized treatment can help you exceed guest expectations and protect your property’s standing as a clean, trusted destination.

Churchills Pools



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Kissimmee, FL, USA